Welcome to the Longview Education Association


Mission Statement

The Longview Education Association is a community of professionals creating the best environment for learning and teaching. The purpose of the LEA shall be to represent all members in bargaining, grievances, and in all matters relating to the wages, hours, terms and conditions of employment with the Longview School District. In addition, we ascribe to the misison of the Washington Education Association, to advance the professional interests of its members in order to make public education the best it can be for students, staff and communities. Our goal is to build confidence in public education and increase support for Washington public schools. 

Board Goals and Objectives

Our main objective is to build a strong and viable organization to represent our membership. 

Our goals for the 2023-2024 school year are:

* To hold our members' concerns as the #1 priority of our local association by providing quality leadership.

* To increase minority and newer career teachers involvement in association activities.

* To increase participation of association members in association activities.



  • What's going on with school vouchers?

    What's going on with school vouchers?
    A group called Restore Washington is pushing forward school-voucher initiatives that could take more than a billion dollars a year of tax money from already-underfunded public schools and give it to religious and secular private schools, or to people who say they’re educating kids at home.

    If passed, what would this mean for our schools?
    Click on read more to learn about this voucher program and how you can take action to advocate against it;.
    Read More
  • Look who met the OSPI Superintendent

    Our own LEA member, Diondra Volk, met OSPI Superintendent, Chris Reykdal, this week!!

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