What's going on with school vouchers?
What's going on with school vouchers?
A group called Restore Washington is pushing forward school-voucher initiatives that could take more than a billion dollars a year of tax money from already-underfunded public schools and give it to religious and secular private schools, or to people who say they’re educating kids at home.
If passed, what would this mean for our schools?
Click on read more to learn about this voucher program and how you can take action to advocate against it;.
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A group called Restore Washington is pushing forward school-voucher initiatives that could take more than a billion dollars a year of tax money from already-underfunded public schools and give it to religious and secular private schools, or to people who say they’re educating kids at home.
If passed, what would this mean for our schools?
Click on read more to learn about this voucher program and how you can take action to advocate against it;.